
Come walk with me and my family as God teaches me what it means to be a Christian wife, grows me in Biblical womanhood, and deepens my relationship with Him as he shows me what it truly means to be a daughter of the King. As I travel this awesome journey that God has planned for me I further discover more and more about how He shapes me to be more in His image - how to live a servant's heart in being the wife to my wonderful husband and the mother of my precious children.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Created to be His Help Meet

I have read some wonderful books to encourage me in my walk. One was Beloved Unbeliever, and another was The Excellent Wife. One book that I recently borrowed from a friend is Created to be His Help Meet. This is what encouraged me to start this blog. The author is Debi Pearl. There are 24 Chapters in the book, and each week I am going to post about each chapter, with encouragement for myself and my daughters, and anyone else reading this blog. It is my prayer that I and you will grow and learn "to be my husband's helper in every way that a man needs a woman's support." CTBHHM, Intro.

Chapter 1 - God's Gift
"For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man" (1 Cor 11:8-9).
Think of a way, or ways, you can be a helper to your husband - start right now. I have made a habit of asking Dom "Is there anything I can do for you right now; or to help you with getting ready for your business trip?" I know that he really appreciates this.

More on this chapter later... I am being summoned by my second ministry - my children! :))


  1. Michele,
    I (finally) finished Pearl's To Train Up a Child (started several years ago, a gift from my sister)! Searched their website and found a book with a title strangely similar to your blog name. Now I know why! LOL!!! I look forward to future blogs on the book ... and more.

    By the way, have you finished reading it? or will you blog as you read?

    Love and miss you friend!!

  2. Thanks for your writing on this subject. I am searching and praying on how to be this to my husband as well. He is trying to decide on going back to his previous career and it could mean big changes in our home (moving). I want what is best for him and our family, but also have my own opinions. My strong will in sharing my (right) opinions gets in the way. But the Lord is leading me in some different behaviors.

    I miss seeing you and the boys. I hope you are having a great summer. How are school decisions going for next year???

