
Come walk with me and my family as God teaches me what it means to be a Christian wife, grows me in Biblical womanhood, and deepens my relationship with Him as he shows me what it truly means to be a daughter of the King. As I travel this awesome journey that God has planned for me I further discover more and more about how He shapes me to be more in His image - how to live a servant's heart in being the wife to my wonderful husband and the mother of my precious children.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction in on her tongue." Proverbs 31:26

This blog is Divinely inspired by our Creator. Since our adoption of our youngest daughter Maria, God has spoken to me in so many ways. And by way of this post I want to introduce this blog. When Dom and the kids left Ukraine to go back to the States, my only source of comfort was my Bible, (and of course the video Skype calls we made to each other once per day). I dived in to the Book of Romans, and God led me to Romans 13 over and over, where He speaks of submission to authority. I would question why is He leading me to this passage, but in obedience read it over and over. Less than a week after I returned home, Dom left for a week long business trip and I was left trying to adjust to this new family of four children on my own. I did not adjust very well and several times was on the phone with Dom crying. It was during this time that Dom told me he wanted the boys in school, and it was not up for discussion. I was shocked and speechless. And then my ah-ha moment...Romans 13, submitting to authority...God is soooo good. Had I not been obedient to His calling me to that passage, I would have missed the whole point of me being alone in Ukraine and not allowed God to prepare me for what was to come...so many times we can get in the way of God's plan for our lives when we think WE know better than Him. My sweet husband is not a believer, but I am called to yield to him. This incidence has deepened my relationship with God and led me to want to be the Biblical wife, mother, and woman God speaks of in His Word. God has spoken to me about submitting, dying to self, modesty, and how less is more in my life. I also see how it has moved my husband to be a better man, husband and father.

Today, Mother's Day, was so very special. Each of the children prepared something for me in their own special way, and it was also Maria's first mother's day. My husband will tell you that every day is Mother's Day in our home :), but every mother wants to be acknowledged on this day, and that includes me. I started the day with a three mile run, went to church, then as a family we shopped at Fresh Market for a special dinner where each of the kids got to pick something special, and then at home I was treated to handmade gifts and cards from the kids, a special card from my husband, and a royal dinner and dessert! We then watched a movie and now everyone is tucked in bed. Ahhh.... this is perfect, being with my best friend (my husband) and my four blessings, my children, all snuggie on the sofa. It doesn't get any better than this. I can remember when I worked in the hotel in NYC saying I will probably never want children because I could never give up the prestige and glamour that job afforded me...and now, all I want is to live on a farm and have more chidren! :) (When we turn away from our wicked ways we seek His face and become restored.) But I'll need to wait and hear from God on those things! Something I realized tonite is that this day is not about me, but about my family, and the excitement and love they poured in to making it special...the kids were so excited about their "party" for mom.

Happy Mother's Day!

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